Friday, September 28, 2007

Just A Thought (or two) and a minor update...

Sorry... "audience".

I have left the blog abandoned for quite some time while fiddling with this "Human Pet"-thing...

Guess who's back? Tom D Cesear!

In his first video he tried to give us the impression of him being a gouvernmental agent - I'd call him a used cars salesman playing 001.75 to us.

He's a bit leaning to neither side - and that's what gives me the impression that we now have three parties at this "game".

1. The CodeMaster (a.k.a. Sam Deercot) who obviously has some problem with the Taylor family - and he distrusts Tom D Cesear.
2. the Taylor family: They are heavily opposing the CodeMaster but seem to doubt the motives of Tom D Cesear.
3. Tom D (D as in "Decide for yourself") Cesear: While he seems to be a "good guy", he plays cats and mice with the Taylor family not unlike to the CodeMaster.

If I were to depict the situation, I'd draw a triangle - not a love triangle, but a triangle where every one of the aforement people keeps the other two at gunpoint.

So, why do I sum this up on my blog where it is visible to each of these parties?
Everyone can see that this will surely lead to a draw. No progress can be made - except by those who are still undecided: Those who are not involved in person, who answered the plea for help by Michael Taylor on or have been invited by the CodeMaster himself - we have the choice on whom we support. So, who will be downed first? And who will finally become the winner? I can't predict the events that are going to happen - and neither Tom nor "Sam" or Michael can.

Just my 2 pence.