Sunday, October 21, 2007

A fake movie trailer

I did this clip by using a friend's account.
It may or may not be what has happened in The Human Pet - only Time will tell...

ADDENDUM: It seems the video can't get embedded any more. Until there is a solution to this, here's the link to that video at : Video at

Friday, September 28, 2007

Just A Thought (or two) and a minor update...

Sorry... "audience".

I have left the blog abandoned for quite some time while fiddling with this "Human Pet"-thing...

Guess who's back? Tom D Cesear!

In his first video he tried to give us the impression of him being a gouvernmental agent - I'd call him a used cars salesman playing 001.75 to us.

He's a bit leaning to neither side - and that's what gives me the impression that we now have three parties at this "game".

1. The CodeMaster (a.k.a. Sam Deercot) who obviously has some problem with the Taylor family - and he distrusts Tom D Cesear.
2. the Taylor family: They are heavily opposing the CodeMaster but seem to doubt the motives of Tom D Cesear.
3. Tom D (D as in "Decide for yourself") Cesear: While he seems to be a "good guy", he plays cats and mice with the Taylor family not unlike to the CodeMaster.

If I were to depict the situation, I'd draw a triangle - not a love triangle, but a triangle where every one of the aforement people keeps the other two at gunpoint.

So, why do I sum this up on my blog where it is visible to each of these parties?
Everyone can see that this will surely lead to a draw. No progress can be made - except by those who are still undecided: Those who are not involved in person, who answered the plea for help by Michael Taylor on or have been invited by the CodeMaster himself - we have the choice on whom we support. So, who will be downed first? And who will finally become the winner? I can't predict the events that are going to happen - and neither Tom nor "Sam" or Michael can.

Just my 2 pence.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My real life took over

Sorry, guys (and girls).
I did always want to write up on this blog but my real life took away the opportunity of writing...
I never wanted to write about my job but it's the cause I left the blog aside, didn't write...
My boss wanted me to do double, if not triple shifts. And that took the time away from typing stuff into the blog towards sleep and work and sleep...

Friday, July 13, 2007

A nursery rhyme

Mary Taylor has placed herself in front of the camera, addressing the CodeMaster to show Eric being alive...

Too bad she seemed to be distracted so I wrote up a nice little nursery rhyme:
Mary, Mary - quite arbitrary,
where did your eye focus go?
On cue cards held up by your fam'ly?
Or onto a picture of your bro'?
I know it ain't perfect but it's something that instantly hit my mind.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Technical Difficulties Pt. 2 - A prankster as a friend is nowhere to be meant


Erm, I guess some might have wondered about the italicized words in the last message. To put things straight - I didn't turn them that way. My friend (who is a practical joker, a prankster) thought it would be a good idea to make everyone wonder if I'm really a guy in London or anything else... He even toyed around with my PC, disconnected a few cables and made me wonder what happened.

Sorry for any troubles.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Technical Difficulties - do not adjust your set!


I'm just writing this because my computer has developed some issues - malfunctioning, to be honest.

I'm sitting at a friend's computer as I type this so - if the CodeMaster or anyone who's relevant to this "Human Pet"-thing reads this, please be patient for my responses (Oh, and CodeMaster, please respond to my latest mail so I can make sure you gained it - I always fear my PC had been acting up at that time already.)

Oh, while I'm at it: There is a new video uploaded on YouTube named "Smoking HOT chick caught on hidden camera!!!" by thehumanpet1 (who is the CodeMaster).
I looked at it (unfortunately I didn't get the sound card working here) and to be honest, I showed a grim face while being a bit jealous... (but I think she already met her maker. So it's more like: "I'd love to be her friend - if she weren't already pushing up the daisies.")

Oh, and I feel sorry for her child, Russ (probably Russell) who now has to grow up in difficult circumstances... His father, who bought a mask for halloween but never wore it at that occasion, who took the video camera and the video tapes somewhere else while Russ is under supervision from someone else....

Music: Chris Rea - Road to hell

Cya soon, guys!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Check? Mate!

I haven't been writing a lot lately - I grew fond playing chess these days.

I've always played a classic opening game - 2 pawns and the two knights moving foreward, leaving it up to me to make forther moves...

"e4" has become my friend when I play with the white pieces.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Not everyone might be what he seems to be... right?

I'm currently a bit confused.

Who is Tom D. Cesear? The Codemaster? Sam Deercot? Comrade Set?
He has reappeared just a short time ago. Is he "good" or "evil"or is he "neutral"?

I don't get the point of Sam and his "game" - chess played with cards, I think....

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Histoire de la famille Garmier

Hello and sorry I left this blog unattended for such a prolonged time...

I've been sent an email asking "why don't you talk about your family?"

I guess I'll do now.

My father was born as Alphonse René Garmier, son of Pierre Garmier in 1942. His birthplace was St. Vincent, a very small town in the Picardie. As he was old enough to learn a profession, he went to restaurants in Paris where he learned everything a good mâitre d' had to learn. During a short trip to London in 1968 he met my mother, Agneta Reilladottir. From what my dad always tells me, they saw each other and instantly fell in love. They married on April fools 1969.
In 1970 my oldest sister was born, Aurelie. She's now an author for small stage productions somewhere in france. 1975 another sister was born, Bernadette. She works for an insurance company here in London.
Then 1980 I was born, Per Garmier. My mother decided that it was now her turn to name the children - she named my little sister "Kjella". Kjella is the black sheep in the family as she has a pretty unstable life. She's in a hospital right now as her liver is acting up...

I visit her almost daily these days - that's the reason why my blog has been hibernating...

Friday, June 08, 2007

A little bit of work...

I have just started to add labels to my posts to make it possible for you (if you happen to be reading this) to pick a label and read only what you find interesting - but i always advise you to read the whole blog.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

"Waiting backstage."

Hello. To the audience who is only watching and not commenting:
We have solved the first puzzle - or better to say: zapparoni did.

"FIRST TEST OF TEAM WORK COMPLETE WE'RE NOW READY FOR THE BIG SHOW" is the solution to a nice little puzzle consisting of letters in the mail which were "uncommon" and a pile of numbers.

Well, CodeMaster - see you at that show!

Addendum: What do you plan to take over? My Blog - if you ever saw it?
As your two other messages most assuredly say:
Phase two begins with a hostile take ovr.
Last clues surname related to next step.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Another poem

I still love poetry:
Rainbow colours disappearing
Or is it
Kirk never had to deal with that

Another Day

Underground travelling,
Never getting a seat.
First station, second one...
On and on it goes.
Really heavy package to carry -
useless for me but I was asked to bring it.
My oh my - when do I reach my destination?
Stopping train, leaving.

I guess my poems don't get any better...

Phase shift completed


I just wanted to let you know that the phase shift is done - phase two has begun.

I got an email from Sam Deercot which confirms my participation on Phase 2 - and another one directing me towards someone else...

I have to find out what it means...

Mood: Nervous but chilling

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just a minor update

I have set up all seemingly relevant links to the human pet thing to appear in a "blogroll".

I'll try to keep it up to date - but you never know which website might happen to be a piece of the puzzle...

First Poem

This is a poem I wrote a few days ago. It's not the best one but it's all mine:
Over the sea
Under the stars
Trying to get ahead.

Out of this world.
For eternity.

Going on,
Awaiting nothing.
Messing with things
Ever again?

Some might go and try to see a secondary meaning in it...

Monday, June 04, 2007

Awaiting phase changes

I am waiting for a phase to change, to shift from one phase to another.

But it's not me whose phase is about to shift: It is due to something weird...

I stumbled across a few videos on YouTube which are parts of a series called "The Human Pet".
I was irritated and drawn towards them as well. But it seemed they are meant as a bunch of puzzles and objectives for others to accomplish...

With the help of some friends, I was enabled to follow alongside the path of irritating videos, phone calls, pleas from the family of Eric Taylor (who is the victim of someone calling himself "CodeMaster", who made Eric the human pet) and dead ends leaving us puzzeled. (Especially the one with the hippies.)

According to the CodeMaster, we are about to shift phases, leave Phase One and enter Phase Two, if he gets enough willing participants.

All I do is wonder if this is just a game or something really sick.


Hello and welcome to my personal blog.

I'm not an expert with these things and I guess it shows but right now I have the feeling that starting a blog, a diary shown to the world would be appropriate.

Currently, I am pretty nervous, but the reason why I'll disclose in a different post.