Thursday, June 14, 2007

Histoire de la famille Garmier

Hello and sorry I left this blog unattended for such a prolonged time...

I've been sent an email asking "why don't you talk about your family?"

I guess I'll do now.

My father was born as Alphonse René Garmier, son of Pierre Garmier in 1942. His birthplace was St. Vincent, a very small town in the Picardie. As he was old enough to learn a profession, he went to restaurants in Paris where he learned everything a good mâitre d' had to learn. During a short trip to London in 1968 he met my mother, Agneta Reilladottir. From what my dad always tells me, they saw each other and instantly fell in love. They married on April fools 1969.
In 1970 my oldest sister was born, Aurelie. She's now an author for small stage productions somewhere in france. 1975 another sister was born, Bernadette. She works for an insurance company here in London.
Then 1980 I was born, Per Garmier. My mother decided that it was now her turn to name the children - she named my little sister "Kjella". Kjella is the black sheep in the family as she has a pretty unstable life. She's in a hospital right now as her liver is acting up...

I visit her almost daily these days - that's the reason why my blog has been hibernating...

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